Who Is The Holy Spirit

In Pastor's sermon titled 'Holy Spirit', we were reminded of the supernatural aspect of our faith. We learned that the Holy Spirit isn't something to fear or be skeptical about, but rather a divine helper given to us by God. Pastor emphasized that the Holy Spirit is naturally supernatural, not weird, and is a real presence in the spiritual battles we face. We were encouraged to deepen our faith, become more aware of God's leading, and to be empowered with boldness and the gifts of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Speaks in Ghost Notes

This message focuses on cultivating an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, described as our guide and advocate. We were reminded that the Holy Spirit is always with us, leading us into all truth and speaking to us in moments of transformation. Pastor encourages learning to listen for the Holy Spirit's 'ghost notes' - the subtle, yet impactful guidance that can change everything.  In time we can learn to discern His voice and follow His leading.